About Ferreycorp
History of the company, present and future
“Together we create development”
In 1922, Enrique Ferreyros Cía. Sociedad de Comandita was established in Peru, dedicated to the import and distribution of consumer goods. In the 1930s, the organization showcased its business incubator profile and expanded its portfolio of representations. In 1942, it obtained the representation of Caterpillar and ventured into the capital goods business, complementing its distribution of consumer goods.In the 1950s, it expanded its geographical presence by increasing its branch network across the country, a decade after the start of decentralization. In 1962, it officially registered on the Lima Stock Exchange (BVL) to facilitate the entry of new shareholders.
In the following decade (1970s), the organization relocated to a new 38,000 m2 facility on Av. Industrial, Lima, while Orvisa, a Caterpillar distributor in the Amazon, began operations in the city of Iquitos.
In 1980, the business portfolio was redefined, with a primary focus on capital goods, giving a new boost to growth. Additionally, the development of logistics capabilities was promoted with the creation of a storage firm, which later transformed into Fargoline.
In the next decade (1990s), the first Cat trucks arrived in Peru, and Ferreyros established its first Component Repair Center (CRC) to serve the mining industry. At the same time, equipment rental and used equipment sales were introduced, and Unimaq, a specialist in light equipment, was established towards the end of the decade. In the 2000s, complementary capital goods and consumables businesses were incorporated to serve new segments with related products and services, including Mega Caucho & Representaciones (now Soltrak) and Ferrenergy.
In the 2010s, international expansion occurred with the acquisition of Gentrac and Cogesa, Caterpillar distributors in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize. Additionally, Trex, present in Chile, Ecuador, and Colombia, and Transpesa (now Motored) in El Salvador were acquired. Forbis Logistics was also created in Peru and the United States, expanding logistics capabilities, and Maquicentro was established in Ecuador. In another development, the use of remote monitoring and comprehensive equipment management technologies was intensified, and the Condition Monitoring Centers, Soluciones Sitech Peru, and the e-commerce platform for spare parts via Parts.Cat.Com (PCC) were launched.
In 2012, the functions of Ferreycorp were separated as the holding company and owner of the corporation’s companies, and Ferreyros operated as the flagship company of the group.
In 2022, Ferreycorp and its flagship company Ferreyros celebrate 100 years in Peru and 80 years as Caterpillar distributors, with total revenues exceeding $1.7 billion. In this year, the first fleet of autonomous trucks in Peru was fully deployed, a decade after the introduction of the first 400-ton giant trucks and the addition of top-of-the-line shovels and drills. Furthermore, Ferreycorp became part of the S&P/BVL Peru General ESG Index and remained the only Peruvian firm to be part of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index in all its editions.
Corporate Structure

Purpose and Strategy of the Company
Our purpose is the core and start point to accomplish with our Corporate Strategy. Our work impact on the creation of development and growth opportunities, and the progress of the society, Ferreycorp and for all our interest groups.
Our vision
Be recognized as a leading economic group in Peru, with presence in the latinoamerican region and as an excellent supplier of capital assets, inputs and related services; which contibute to increase the productivity and profitability on the economic sector that takes part in and as a development promoter for the countries and for its different interest groups. It is recognized as the preferred company to adopt new businesses and representations, on its action´s fields, for its operating and financial capacity. The companies that make up the corporation recognize the holding as the entity which promote y facilitate a profitable growth with high standards and eficiency.
Our mission
Ferreycorp as a whole: Operate, through its subsidiaries with focues and high grade of specialization, businesses of capital assets and inputs distributions and, servicies and supports, for prestigious global brands with high standards, eficiency and profitability; achieving the development of their workers and being a reference figure to modern companies and responsables.
Ferreycorp as one: Facilitate, to all the companies of the corporation, the resources of planning, finance and monitoring and controlling that are requires for the development of its operations and for their profitable growth; ensuring the consolidation of a investment portfolio with and adecuate profile thanks to the diversification, including new businesses in the defined areas as priorities.
Our values
Acknowledge our role on society and work day by day to generate major access to oportunities, growth contribution and development of the region
We work with honesty and transparency, making ourself always responsible of our actions.
We celebrate diversity and promote a decent treatment and respectful to all the people.
Each one of our interaction are based on an fairly treat to all our interest groups.
Corporate strategy
Click on each pillar or enabler to learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question?
Dividend´s Payments
Those shareholders who possess physical shares may contact the person in charge of the Investor Relations department (jonathan.fonseca@ferreycorp.com.pe).
Shareholders are required to provide their full name, national identification number, and their bank account details for the purpose of transferring the dividend amount on the specified payment date. If they have outstanding dividends awaiting payment, the credited amount will be reflected in their bank accounts within two business days after submitting their information.
Which is the process to follow for a name change?
Please contact the Analyst/Executive of investor relations and send a copy of your updated national identity document.
What is the procedure to follow when a shareholder passes away?
Verify whether the deceased person left a will registered in Public Records. In the absence of a will, it is necessary to file a declaration of heirs of the deceased to determine the rightful owner(s) of these shares. Until the successors present the division and partition of the shares, they are considered as part of the estate.
What is the procedure for leaving shares as an inheritance?
To leave shares as inheritance, shareholders can do it through a will registered in public records or through an inheritance advance
Power of Attorney for Dividend Collection/Disposition of Shares:
In case you are unable to personally attend to dividend collection or manage your shares and have provided someone with power of attorney for these purposes, please ensure that the power of attorney is correctly drafted and registered in public records.
Email communications
The shareholders can registered with the executive of Investor Relations to receive the mail communications; which allow a faster a safer comunication. Also it permits:
a) Receive the notifications via email about the publishment and availability of documents related to the audit financial statements, intern financial results, management reports and annual reports
b) Detail access to their individual participation.
c) Modify your data (such as address or bank accounts)
d) Choose the way you want to receive your dividens, for the shareholder with material shares.
e) Receive via an email Ferreycorp´s publishments for the Annual Shareholders Meeting that include: Call meeting letter, Governance Statement that include the agenda items and proxy statement.
f) Share the voting instructions for the Annual Shareholders meetings.
Also, it allows the shareholders to contribute to reduce the environmental impact through the reduce of paper use, mailing and transport and the reduction of unnecessary waste.
Online services for shareholders
Ferreycorp provide a series of online services on the Investor Relations web section in www.ferreycorp.com.pe; where the shareholders and other parts interested can:
a) See/Download annual reports
b) See/Downdload rules and regulations
c) Review the amounts and historic dividends dates payments
d) Use the interactive tools to calculate the amount of dividendes to receive.
Jonathan Fonseca
Address: Jr. Cristobal de Peralta Norte 820, Santiago de Surco, Lima
Office hours: Monday to Friday: 7.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cellphone: +51 959 873 856
E-mail: jonathan.fonseca@ferreycorp.com.pe
Rafael Solari
Address: Jr. Cristobal de Peralta Norte 820, Santiago de Surco, Lima
Office hours: Monday to Friday: 7.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cellphone: +51 957 516 230
E-mail: rafael.solari@ferreycorp.com.pe